First of the nobles to fall under the dark influence of the necromantic
propaganda and deadly dark magic of the Nameless One.As one of his most trusted
servants he is believed to be the first one who was sent to
spread the word and announce to the world a coming of the end days. Upon his
arrival all nature withers and animals die. He is always followed by a great
grey mist that appears as his vanguard and remains shortly after his departure.
He appears as a terrible dark shadow, clad in armor, with red burning eyes and a
cloak of screaming tortured souls. Armed with a huge double handed sword named "The Soul Taker" he is known to chop his enemies in half with a single killing blow. His family ring, now glowing with arcane necro magic,
possesses otherworldly powers yet unknown. His appearance is said to be so horrifying that none who saw him in person
survived to tell the tale or kept their sanity intact. His first recorded appearance was in the small village of Brashovice near the
southeast Empire border. That was the first among many places to witness his
cruelty, terror and despair.
For the Kain character I decided to go with Vlad Von Carstein miniature from Games Workshop. I think it perfectly fits the background story of Kain.
I always liked the model, although I was never a fan of the official paintjob done by Heavy Metal team (color-wise).He just seemed a bit to bright and flashy for my taste.I decided to go with a darker look.I painted his hair and cloak in black and his armor to represent dark steel and aged bronze.Since dark and muted colors dominate the miniature, brightness of his family ring stands out even more!
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