Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Oldhammer Undead Queue
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Marik Varma

Monday, November 21, 2022
Chariot Of The Harvester finished!
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Chariot Of The Harvester WIP pt.2
Quick update on the corpse cart. I finished the two banners. I was surprised that I managed to paint them in one afternoon. Next I'm gonna be painting wheels and other the wooden parts.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Chariot Of The Harvester WIP
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Zombie Horde Is Growing!
I am happy to present you the current state of my zombie horde! Few days ago I finally reached the number 50. However, the final goal is to have a unit 100 zombies strong. For now I'll take a rest from zombies and paint some skeletons (I just love skeletons, I can newer have them enough! :) ).
So here are some shots of the unit: Oh and by the way, I wasn't completely happy with my Landsknecht zombies, they were to clean. A bit of rust, dirt and blood goes a long way. So here they are updated: And finally, a cool shot of Arachtian raising the dead in the local cemetery:Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Black Coach WIP pt.2 + New Necromancer
A little update on my Vampire Counts. I continued to work on my Black Coach. I have painted the Wraith, two torches and the coffin. The flames on the torches I painted in vibrant green color. I use the same green color on the eyes of the skeletons and everything magic related. This way I get a nice contrast with the red/black color scheme of my army. Next I need to paint two Nightmares and make a base for the model.
I also painted another Necro for my Undead force. This time it's a Heresy Lab miniature. Usually I am not a big fan of those crazy, over the top flaming crowns, which you can also find on some of the Age Of Sigmar miniatures, like Flagellants or Hexwraiths, but it kind of fits this mini. I wanted to make a blood dripping effect from the skull so I experimented with a small piece of plastic nylon which I glued to the necro's hand and reinforced with super attack so that it doesn't bend. Then I painted it with Blood For The Blood God color. I think that the effect turned out ok. Now he needs a name and a background story. :)
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Necromancer and master of dark arts known only as Arachtian was infamous throughout the old world. His frequent appearances within the cities of the Empire made him one of the most wanted man. Elector counts employed the toughest witch hunters to hunt him down. Rewards on his head were spiraling. He was never seen in one place for too long. He was constantly on the move escaping various holy groups, mercenaries and witch hunters.
Upon his arrival to Sylvania, his path crossed with one of the most vicious vampires known to man, vampire Kain. This hateful vampire lord saw a great potential in this corrupted and foul man, who already had a great knowledge of dark magic. Kain realized immediately that he would be of great assistance to the New Night Order since his abilities to rapidly raise big groups of undead servants were unparalleled. His nomadic lifestyle had a specific purpose. Everywhere he traveled, he was in search of potent artifacts and forbidden books. Most valuable items in his collection were ancient artefacts and tomes from the deserts of the old. These unholy scripts gave him unique insights into arcane dark science which was long gone and forgotten. In one of his experiments and rituals he apparently succeeded in creating a levitating dead host, a living corpse like zombie only faster and stronger. This of course is yet to be confirmed on the battlefield but it is no wonder that commander Kain wants him by his side.
The news of his involvement with Kain spread throughout the Empire and caused fear and concern among men. The word is that he is working day and night on raising the new breed of undead warriors that shall serve the New Night Order. If this turns out to be more than a tavern rumor, may Sigmar help us!
The model I have used for Arachtian character is a Necromancer miniature from Scibor Miniatures. This is the first non GW character in my collection. I really love this model and it fits perfectly with GamesWorkshop miniatures. The size is spot on. To read more about this mini and for some WIP pictures follow the link to this post.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Al-elib Iblis
I think this is a really cool looking model from Games Workshop and for the most part I enjoyed working on it. However, once I finished painting the cart, placing the corpses inside was a real nightmare! I barely managed to squeeze them in, using force. In the process the paint got pealed off on some of the hanging limbs. I would definitely recommend gluing the corpse pile on the wooden bottom of the cart prior gluing the poles that are sticking out. If you are interested in the whole process of painting this model and checking out all the posts concerning Al-elib, follow this link: corpse cart