The king of the eternal night and supreme leader of "The New Night Order"
It is believed that he presently abides in one of the ancient Sylvanian castles/ruins of the northern regions.
The castle itself has its own forbidden legends and dark stories to tell. Apparently built by the first Von Carstein nobles, "The eldars", who performed horrible rituals and sacrifices during their reign within the castle walls. In order to achieve immortality in what they called "the pure blood rite", they slew thousands of innocents in the darkest era known to mankind – in pre-Sigmar times. The castle was burnt down and abandoned after the first fall of the Von Carsteins. Since the appearance of the Nameless one, the castle walls can be seen again in all their previous might and glory, but only during nighttime. What happens during daylight hours remains a mystery. Is the castle just an illusion? Does it exist for real? Is it trapped within parallel dimensions? This is a conundrum for sages to solve. Glowing green light can be seen frequently from inside the castle during long Sylvanian nights, suggesting powerful necro-magic within its fortified towers.

It remains unknown whether he was just another great fallen hero to become a Vampire count Blood Dragon by some foul play of destiny or it was something much greater, darker and far more terrifying - beyond the grasp of mortal comprehension - that spawned him. Is it a myth brought to life? A rumor? A story to scare children? Something else entirely? Nobody knows for sure. There were stories, legends and rumors back in the old days, many tall tales indeed, but most have fallen out of memory since. One of them still survived, though, and it speaks of the following:
Back in the old times lived a great hero. Whether of Bretonnian or Empire stock, it remains unclear. He possessed great strength and charisma and was considered a war-master. He honed his skills and tactics through countless battles against evil. However, it is said that one day he came in contact with Chaos so powerful that it was too much even for him to bare. He was last seen entering the great black pyramid of Nehekhara with the remnants of his once great army and was lost in the labyrinths below for untold centuries to come. Was it he that came to Chaos or the other way around, or was it some other foul and dark force that summoned him back to life wearing his body and armor remains a mystery. Some say he opened the portal to other worlds within the pyramid itself. From there he traveled to the distant future where the Chaos reigned supreme and "tapped" into it, returning with all its forbidden secrets far back into the past of the Old World in order to change the history and conquer all...only this time in the name of the Dead, rather than Chaos.

Throughout history, Kruger was known under various names and different titles. The common folk, mostly terrified out of thier minds and fearing for their souls, wouldn't dare to speak his real name out loud. So when they mentioned him in conversation, he was referred to as "The Namless One". One thing is certain, though. He is a horrible creature of darkness and undeath bent to a single purpose in the Old World - to create the "New Night Order". A world without life, forever.

For the Kruger character I decided to go with Mannfred Von Carstein miniature from Games Workshop. I really like the model, the character looks both as brutal warrior and a mage. However, this model is form the Games Workshop Finecast range. When ordering models from this range it's like playing the lottery. You never know what will you get in terms of quality of the cast. These models are cast in resin and often have small air bubless in the parts. This particular model was worse than usual and I had to fill many holes with modelling putty prior painting. There are still plenty of small air holes in the fur which I left as is, because it would take me ages to fill them all and it can pass as a fur.
My biggest challenge when painting this model was the OSL effect. I had to get out of my comfort zone, since I don't have much experience with this technique. I wanted to make the green glow from the staff reflect on the armored horse and Kruger. I'm quite pleased how the effect turned out.