A little update on my Vampire Counts. I continued to work on my Black Coach. I have painted the Wraith, two torches and the coffin. The flames on the torches I painted in vibrant green color. I use the same green color on the eyes of the skeletons and everything magic related. This way I get a nice contrast with the red/black color scheme of my army. Next I need to paint two Nightmares and make a base for the model.

I also painted another Necro for my Undead force. This time it's a Heresy Lab miniature. Usually I am not a big fan of those crazy, over the top flaming crowns, which you can also find on some of the Age Of Sigmar miniatures, like Flagellants or Hexwraiths, but it kind of fits this mini. I wanted to make a blood dripping effect from the skull so I experimented with a small piece of plastic nylon which I glued to the necro's hand and reinforced with super attack so that it doesn't bend. Then I painted it with Blood For The Blood God color. I think that the effect turned out ok. Now he needs a name and a background story. :)