Housed within the stronghold of Vampire Kain, the Knights of the Putrid Wind represent one of the deadliest Vampire Blood Knight orders of the Old World. Known for their unnatural speed and vampiric strength, they cause terror in enemy ranks of any race. Apart from being the fastest armored cavalry unit within the New Night Order, they are also infamous for spreading unbearable stench on the battlefield. The vampires are mounted on decaying zombie steeds who are animated by the dark necro-magic, also responsible for the putrid stench that leaves the enemies nauseated and incapable of fighting back in full effort. The pale riders are clad in full plate armor and draped in black capes that do their deadly dance in the wind when charge commences.
The leader of the unit, Neghan - the Pale Duke is not your average vampire. Extremely brutal and merciless, he has a habit of decapitating his victims and impaling their heads onto his helm for decoration. When Knights of the Putrid Wind partake in battle, the soil of the battlefield remains dead and infertile for decades, deepening the misery of common man.

The miniatures I've used for this unit are Mournful Knights by Gamezone Miniatures. I always loved the models for they menacing and vicious look but above all, for their poses, they are packed with action. That being said, there is a downside to these old models. The miniatures are metal and there are some gaps that needed to be filled with modeling putty. Also it is sometimes hard to differentiate what is what on the model. Finally, if you are playing WHFB like me, you will struggle to fit all the bases together, side by side. It takes careful planing and positioning of the models to do so. All in all I really like the final result and can't wait to put them on the battlefield!
To see all the posts concerning Knights of The Putrid Wind follow the blood knights label.