Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Vengorian Lord Showcase

I finally found some time to finish my Vengorian Lord! Painting this model was not a joyful experience for me. I struggled with skin color and repainted it twice. First I painted the skin in my standard pale skintone that I use on all my vampires. I wasn't satisfied with this choice because the beast blended with the base, there was no contrast between the ruin and the vampire, the colors were to similar. Then I went for more greenish tones and wasn't happy with that either. That evening when I repainted the model in green I was really frustrated and decided to put the model away and went browsing the YouTube to cool off. And then the Skeletor pops out in one of the videos and it hit me...I will paint the model in Skeletor skintones! :D Next day I repainted the model for the second time and I was finally really happy with the result.

vengorian lord
vengorian lord
vengorian lord
vengorian lord
vengorian lord
vengorian lord
vengorian lord


  1. Gorgeous paintjob, but whenever I see a vengorian lord, I can't get over just how goofy that sculpt is. :D
    Like, how would that thing fly? Like a dragon and the human body just sticks up at a 90° angle looking a little forlorn? IDK^^

  2. Thank you! Yeah, I know what you mean. I guess it's a fantasy world and the sculptors don't bother to much with logic. :D

  3. I love the skin tone you settled on. I've been curious how this model would fit on the square base sizes. Is it on a 50x50mm here? Or something larger?
