Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Ruined Townhouse

Since I started playing Warhammer Fantasy Battles, somewhere around 1998, I was always into tabletop scenery. When I came across the terrain section of the Empire Army Book (6th edition Warhammer), showing examples of the scratch built buildings, I was immediately inspired to make some terrain pieces for my own gaming table. My friends didn't care to much about terrain, they just wanted to play. I remember we even used books for the hills. :) I was on the other hand always drawn to the visual side. You could say they were purely gamers while I was more into painting and crafting side of the hobby. I find the game so much more immersive and appealing when you have decent scenery on your tabletop, be it natural features or buildings. I always found myself getting to the eye level of my miniatures and checking out surroundings, feeling like I'm there in the fantasy world or in the middle of the action. :)

Through my years in the hobby I have built plenty models from scratch and painted a lot of terrain pieces made by different companies. The beginnings were humble, I was making small structures like hobbit holes or trees made of bottle cleaners, but with time the projects became more challenging and complex. However, I newer tried building something out of the XPS foam. Having seen some inspiring videos on YouTube I felt there was a lot of potential in the material, so about a year ago I decided to give it a go.

For my first project made in XPS foam I decided to do a Ruined Townhouse which would fit nicely on my friend's Mordheim table. I did some basic sketches but the building was pretty straightforward and I didn't think too much about the design and made decisions and changes as I was crafting it. I did however think about gameplay, making sure that the floors are high enough to fit most of the miniatures and that there is enough openings for models to shoot and move through, as well as places to hide.

For cutting bigger pieces of foam I used Proxxon Thermocutter. I strongly advise buying this piece of equipment if you are serious about making terrain out of XPS foam. It allows you to make perfect and clean cuts. For gluing pieces together I started by using a glue gun but this showed to be pretty messy so I switched to PVA glue which turned out to be perfect for this kind of material. Before gluing different wall sections together I was considering how easy will it be to carve the surfaces after gluing. If I saw that some of the sections would be hard to reach, I would carve them first and then glue them in place.

I found the ball pen carving technique really intuitive and easy to master. The only thing I regret is using a blue ink pen. Later on this proved to be a mistake. Blue ink got mixed with grey acrylic paint making the greys bluish which was quite frustrating. If it was a black ink pen, it wouldn't matter.

Once the build was finished, my main concern was fragility of the XPS foam. Thin parts, like protruding beams, can easily snap if the players are not careful enough when moving their hands around the structure. In order to seal the foam and make it as hard as possible I used watered down PVA glue and gave the whole model a rich coat.

When this dried completely I started to paint the model. I immediately realized how nicely acrylic paint adheres to the foam.

mordheim terrain

Once the paintjob was finished I added some grass tufts, dead leaves and moss, to give it even more deteriorating and abandoned look. All in all, I am happy with the result, especially considering this was my first try in making terrain out of XPS foam.

mordheim terrain
mordheim terrain
mordheim terrain
mordheim terrain
mordheim terrain
mordheim terrain
mordheim terrain
mordheim terrain
mordheim terrain

In the near future I plan to make an in-depth tutorial showing the techniques I used to make this Ruined Townhouse.

Cheers guys! 🍻

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Kain Von Todtstein

First of the nobles to fall under the dark influence of the necromantic propaganda and deadly dark magic of the Nameless One. As one of his most trusted servants he is believed to be the first one who was sent to spread the word and announce to the world a coming of the end days. Upon his arrival all nature withers and animals die. He is always followed by a great grey mist that appears as his vanguard and remains shortly after his departure. He appears as a terrible dark shadow, clad in armor, with red burning eyes and a cloak of screaming tortured souls. Armed with a huge double handed sword named "The Soul Taker" he is known to chop his enemies in half with a single killing blow. His family ring, now glowing with arcane necro magic, possesses otherworldly powers yet unknown. His appearance is said to be so horrifying that none who saw him in person survived to tell the tale or kept their sanity intact. His first recorded appearance was in the small village of Brashovice near the southeast Empire border. That was the first among many places to witness his cruelty, terror and despair.
vlad von carstein

For the Kain character I decided to go with Vlad Von Carstein miniature from Games Workshop. I think it perfectly fits the background story of Kain.

I always liked the model, although I was never a fan of the official paintjob done by Heavy Metal team (color-wise). He just seemed a bit to bright and flashy for my taste. I decided to go with a darker look. I painted his hair and cloak in black and his armor to represent dark steel and aged bronze. Since dark and muted colors dominate the miniature, brightness of his family ring stands out even more!

vlad von carstein
vlad von carstein
vlad von carstein

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

My Recipe For Painting Rust

More then a few times someone asked me how do I paint rust on my miniatures. So I thought this would be a perfect subject for my first tutorial. The process I am going to show you is suitable for painting various stages of rust, depending on how much technical paint and pigments you use. Here are the examples of various stages of rust on shields done with this technique:

To complete this tutorial you will need the following:


  • Citadel Leadbelcher (or any other dark metal color, like Vallejo Chainmail)
  • Citadel Nuln Oil (or any other black wash)
  • Citadel Typhus Corrosion 


  • MIG Productions Old Rust (or any other dark rust pigment)
  • MIG Productions Standard Rust (or any other medium rust pigment)
  • MIG Productions Light Rust (or any other light rust pigment)
  • MIG Productions Pigment Fixer  


Basecoat the model in black or dark grey color. It is a good idea to give it a zenithal highlight, although it is not necessary.

Paint the metal area in dark metal color such as Leadbelcher from Citadel or Chainmail from Vallejo.

Wash the area with Nuln Oil from Citadel or any other black wash. You could probably get away with not doing this step but I think it is worth the effort because there is a subtle difference in depth in final paintjob.

Paint the the whole area with watered down Typhus Corrosion. Then apply pure Typhus Corrosion to the parts where rust would accumulate more heavily to give it more texture. While the paint is still wet I like to run my finger over some exposed details like edges, rivets, etc. making these details highlighted and less affected by rust.

Apply Old Rust or any other dark rust pigment. Apply it with a brush, as a powder, not mixed with water. Cover most of the surface but think about where would rust in real life accumulate more and put more pigment to those areas (most often that would be the same areas where you applied pure Typhus Corrosion).

Apply Standard Rust or any other medium rust pigment. As you are moving to lighter rust tones you should concentrate on smaller areas, more affected with rust. Like (in this example) places where metal got eaten through by rust or in the recesses.

Apply the Light Rust pigment to the spots most affected by rust.

To seal/fix the pigments in place use the Pigment Fixer. Apply it with a brush but without doing brush strokes. You don't want to mess everything up. Just touch the surface on a few spots with a loaded brush and let the capillary effect do it's work. Keep in mind that the pigments get toned down once you apply pigment fixer, so don't be afraid to go a little overboard when applying them.

And there you have it, I hope you found this tutorial useful. 🧛‍♀️ Cheers! 🍺

Real life examples:

Saturday, July 25, 2020

And So It Begins...

Welcome to PALEtte!

Having seen so many awesome and inspirational blogs on the internet, the idea of creating my own was slowly growing in my head for last couple of years and I finally decided to go through with it. :)
The main purpose of this blog is to document and showcase my work. I do however plan to make painting and crafting tutorials that I believe will be useful to potential readers and fellow hobbyists.

I am a big fan of old Warhammer world and all things medieval and fantasy in general. Especially dark, grim and gory stuff. My biggest passion is collecting Undead/Vampire Counts/AOS Death miniatures and for them I will dedicate separate page on this blog. Every character and unit will have a background story written by very talented mr. Morbid.

However I like many other miniatures as well and I will feature them on my blog.
Apart from painting and converting miniatures I also love painting and crafting tabletop scenery, be it ready made terrain from different companies or making it from scratch.