Thursday, May 18, 2023

Vengorian Lord WIP 2

Here is an update on my Vengorian Lord. Until now, I've painted all my vampires in kind of pale/yellowish/dead flesh color. This time I wanted to try something different and after some experimenting this is the final result. I'm quite pleased how it looks. I might use this color scheme for skin on some of my future vampire models. This is also the first time that I've painted the eyes in blood red color. I think it goes very well with blueish/purplish skin tones.

I also wanted to achieve the look of ancient weathered armor so I added traces of corrosion on the steel plates and some verdigris on bronze decorative elements.

vengorian lord

All in all I like the way he is turning out so far. :)


  1. It's a mixture of Vallejo Armour Brown and Wolf Grey.

  2. Cool you've been able to get your signature red and green on this one. Looking good so far!
