Showing posts with label vampire counts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vampire counts. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Black Coach WIP pt.2 + New Necromancer

A little update on my Vampire Counts. I continued to work on my Black Coach. I have painted the Wraith, two torches and the coffin. The flames on the torches I painted in vibrant green color. I use the same green color on the eyes of the skeletons and everything magic related. This way I get a nice contrast with the red/black color scheme of my army. Next I need to paint two Nightmares and make a base for the model.

black coach
black coach

I also painted another Necro for my Undead force. This time it's a Heresy Lab miniature. Usually I am not a big fan of those crazy, over the top flaming crowns, which you can also find on some of the Age Of Sigmar miniatures, like Flagellants or Hexwraiths, but it kind of fits this mini. I wanted to make a blood dripping effect from the skull so I experimented with a small piece of plastic nylon which I glued to the necro's hand and reinforced with super attack so that it doesn't bend. Then I painted it with Blood For The Blood God color. I think that the effect turned out ok. Now he needs a name and a background story. :)


Friday, May 6, 2022

Black Coach WIP pt.1

Recently I acquired one of iconic Vampire Counts models (at least for me), the classic Black Coach. After stripping the paint from the old model I started to work on the main body. I decided that my coach will be predominantly made of wood, so I carved the wood grain in the plain surfaces. I am very happy with the look so far. I'm thinking about replacing the two torches that come on the roof with two lanterns, but I haven't decided yet. Also I think I might replace the skeletal steeds with black horses in black cloth. I think the coach will look darker and more sinister that way. We'll see. :)

black coach

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Mournful Knight #5

Today I finished the last vampire for my Mournful Knights unit (counts as Blood Knights). I'm happy how he turned out. I really dig the pose of the mini. After putting this project aside for a considerable amount time, I'm glad I returned to it and finally completed the unit. Now only thing left is to make some group photos and think of a background story. 🧛

mournful knights
mournful knights
mournful knights
mournful knights
mournful knights
mournful knights
mournful knights
mournful knights
mournful knights
mournful knights

Monday, April 4, 2022

Mournful Knight Musician

I have returned to my Mournful Knights (Blood Knights) after putting them aside for some time. Painting Gamezone Miniatures tends to be a bit exhausting sometimes. As much as I like them it gets really frustrating at times because it's really hard to tell what is what on the miniature. Not once have I painted something on one of their miniatures not knowing what it actually represents. Nonetheless, I have finished the hornblower for the unit. That is now four out of five done. Can't wait to finish the unit and make a group photo.
mournful knights

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Working on the next big skeleton unit

So for my next big skeleton unit I am going to be using Games Workshop Grave Guard models from 1999. I like the models. However, I don't think they fit perfectly in style with other Vampire Counts miniatures from that period. Perhaps that is the reason they were very short-lived and were replaced in 2001. Also they newer made a command group for this unit which is kind of annoying.

At first, I painted all the clothes in black, and armor in dark metallic color. I wanted to add some red, since all my units have some red on them, so I decided to paint the straps in red. However, after finishing first four, I wasn't 100% satisfied. It turned out I didn't really like the red straps in the end. It just wasn't realistic since these would be definitely made in leather. So I decided to paint them in brown colors. However now I was left without any red, so I decided to ditch the rusty shields and replace them with Empire spearmen shields which I then painted in red color. These shields have the symbol of a lion on them which kind of looks like a dragon, so I think they fit quite nicely with the unit. I also decided to add some rust to the armor plating. So here is the final paint scheme I'm satisfied with:

grave guard

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Valdemar Von Todtstein

blood dragon vampire
Son of Kain. Extremely violent and sadistic creature even by Vampire standards. Known to rip and eat the faces of his victims leaving them in horrifying state. Clad in Blood Dragon armor and draped in red cape, he is a real nightmare for people across the Empire. Eaten faces are his signature. Loyal to his father above all, he often spreads terror by his side, leaving Kain astound at times by the cruelty of his son. The slaughter of townsfolk and local man-at-arms in the village of Brashovice is where he left his biggest mark. 

In life he was an infamous, expert duelist, very hot headed. No man wanted to offend him or cross his path - it didn't take much for Valdemar to throw down the gauntlet. Every noble who did, payed with his head. In un-life his choice of weapons remained the same, a pair of dueling swords.

This is one of the Games Workshop "midhammer" Blood Dragon minis. Released in 6th edition, this line of Vampire minis is my all time favorite! Plan is to collect and paint them all, both on foot and mounted. Although traditionally Blood Dragon armor is in red color, I kind of like my armor to be in metallic colors. I gave him the red cape instead.

bloodragon vampire
bloodragon vampire
bloodragon vampire
bloodragon vampire

Monday, January 10, 2022

Expanding the zombie horde

Every once in a while I want to (and need to) do a few zombies so that my zombie horde constantly grows. The Black Guard is still my biggest infantry unit, which does not make sense since they are an elite unit compared to zombies. I need to get to the three digit number to consider my zombie unit a decently sized horde.

Recently I bought some Forgotten World Living Dead Peasants which I intended to combine with my recently discontinued Games Workshop zombies. The size of the torso and legs fits perfectly with GW models, but heads and arms are significantly smaller. Especially the arms which are overexaggerated on GW models. They just didn't look right together.
Then I came up with an idea to combine the parts from the two kits. This way I will add variety to the unit without loosing cohesiveness. I used torsos from the Forgotten World zombies with the heads and arms from the Games Workshop zombies. I must say I was actually quite pleased how they fitted together, I didn't even end up with those bulging shoulders which is the thing I hate the most about GW zombies. I like that you get some female bodies in the FW kit which go awesomely well with those "Norma Bates" heads from the GW kit. 😁
I also like those typical, dragging, zombie legs which are featured on the FW models. So here is the result of combining the two kits:
warhammer zombies

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Mortreich's Black Knights

Mortreich's Black Knights represent the spearhead of the Mortreich Legion which is comprised of Black Guard and Black Knights. When the legion marches to war Black Knights are always in the first ranks leading the skeletal warriors into battle. They are often joined by the Nightfang Specter Lord who leads the undead cavalry into unstoppable and terrifying charge. They are wielding the banner representing Mortreich's coat of arms and are considered to be his most elite troops.

Originally I intended to make the unit 24 man strong, but I decided to leave them at 16 for now. This is more then a decent number and I can easily get back to them in the future, when I feel like it, and add one more rank. Now I want to move on to other units.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Mortreich's Black Knights WIP pt.2

I finally got around to paint some of my undead minis, after finishing with the Midgard house project (although I still have to paint it). The project took me a couple of months to finish and during that time I haven't painted any miniatures. So working on my Mortreich's Black Knights again was a real joy. I completed another three, including the champion and musician. Now I have 7 out of 24 done.

warhammer black knights

Sunday, October 17, 2021


Necromancer and master of dark arts known only as Arachtian was infamous throughout the old world. His frequent appearances within the cities of the Empire made him one of the most wanted man. Elector counts employed the toughest witch hunters to hunt him down. Rewards on his head were spiraling. He was never seen in one place for too long. He was constantly on the move escaping various holy groups, mercenaries and witch hunters.

warhammer necromancer

Upon his arrival to Sylvania, his path crossed with one of the most vicious vampires known to man, vampire Kain. This hateful vampire lord saw a great potential in this corrupted and foul man, who already had a great knowledge of dark magic. Kain realized immediately that he would be of great assistance to the New Night Order since his abilities to rapidly raise big groups of undead servants were unparalleled. His nomadic lifestyle had a specific purpose. Everywhere he traveled, he was in search of potent artifacts and forbidden books. Most valuable items in his collection were ancient artefacts and tomes from the deserts of the old. These unholy scripts gave him unique insights into arcane dark science which was long gone and forgotten. In one of his experiments and rituals he apparently succeeded in creating a levitating dead host, a living corpse like zombie only faster and stronger. This of course is yet to be confirmed on the battlefield but it is no wonder that commander Kain wants him by his side.

warhammer necromancer

The news of his involvement with Kain spread throughout the Empire and caused fear and concern among men. The word is that he is working day and night on raising the new breed of undead warriors that shall serve the New Night Order. If this turns out to be more than a tavern rumor, may Sigmar help us!

The model I have used for Arachtian character is a Necromancer miniature from Scibor Miniatures. This is the first non GW character in my collection. I really love this model and it fits perfectly with GamesWorkshop miniatures. The size is spot on. To read more about this mini and for some WIP pictures follow the link to this post.

warhammer necromancer
warhammer necromancer
warhammer necromancer
warhammer necromancer
warhammer necromancer
warhammer necromancer
warhammer necromancer